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All branches of science started by creationists

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All branches of science started by creationists  Empty All branches of science started by creationists

Post  Admin Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:39 pm

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was another genuine scientist.
In the process of studying fermentation, he performed
his famous 1861 experiment, in which he disproved
the theory of spontaneous generation. Life cannot
arise from non-living materials. This experiment was
very important; for, up to that time, a majority of scientists
believed in spontaneous generation. (They thought
that if a pile of old clothes were left in a corner, it would
breed mice! The proof was that, upon later returning to the
clothes, mice would frequently be found there.) Pasteur
concluded from his experiment that only God could
create living creatures. But modern evolutionary theory
continues to be based on that out-dated theory disproved
by Pasteur: spontaneous generation (life
arises from non-life). Why? Because it is the only
basis on which evolution could occur. As *Adams notes,
“With spontaneous generation discredited [by Pasteur], biologists
were left with no theory of the origin of life at all”
(*J. Edison Adams, Plants: An Introduction to Modern
Biology, 1967, p. 585).
August Friedrich Leopold Weismann (1834-1914)
was a German biologist who disproved *Lamarck’s notion
of “the inheritance of acquired characteristics.”
He is primarily remembered as the scientist who cut off
the tails of 901 young white mice in 19 successive generations,
yet each new generation was born with a full-length
tail. The final generation, he reported, had tails as long as
those originally measured on the first. Weismann also carried
out other experiments that buttressed his refutation of
Lamarckism. His discoveries, along with the fact that circumcision
of Jewish males for 4,000 years had not affected
the foreskin, doomed the theory (*Jean Rostand, Orion
Book of Evolution, 1960, p. 64). Yet Lamarckism continues
today as the disguised basis of evolutionary biology.
For example, evolutionists still teach that giraffes kept
20 The Evolution Cruncher
stretching their necks to reach higher branches, so their
necks became longer! In a later book, *Darwin abandoned
natural selection as unworkable, and returned to
Lamarckism as the cause of the never-observed
change from one species to another (*Randall Hedtke,
The Secret of the Sixth Edition, 1984).
Here is a brief, partial overview of what true scientists
were accomplishing in the 18th and 19th centuries.
All of them were Creationists:
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873): glacial geology, ichthyology.
Charles Babbage (1792-1871): actuarial tables, calculating
machine, foundations of computer science.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626): scientific method of research.
Robert Boyle (1627-1691): chemistry, gas dynamics.
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868): optical mineralogy,
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832): comparative anatomy, vertebrate
Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829): thermokinetics.
Jean Henri Fabre (1823-1915): entomology of living
Michael Faraday (1791-1867): electric generator, electromagnetics,
field theory.
Sir John A. Fleming (1849-1945): electronics, thermic
Joseph Henry (1797-1878): electric motor, galvanometer.
Sir William Herschel (1738-1822): galactic astronomy,
double stars.
James Joule (1818-1889): reversible thermodynamics.
Lord William Kelvin (1824-1907): absolute temperature
scale, energetics, thermodynamics, transatlantic cable.
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630): celestial mechanics, ephemeris
tables, physical astronomy.
Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778): classification system,
systematic biology.
Brief History of Evolutionary Theory 21
Joseph Lister (1827-1912): antiseptic surgery.
Matthew Maury (1806-1873): hydrography, oceanography.
James C. Maxwell (1831-1879): electrical dynamics,
statistical thermodynamics.
Gregor Mendel (1822-1884): genetics.
Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872): telegraph.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727): calculus, dynamics, law of
gravity, reflecting telescopes.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662): hydrostatics, barometer.
Louise Pasteur (1822-1895): bacteriology, biogenesis law,
pasteurization, vaccination, and immunization.
Sir William Ramsey (1852-1916): inert gases, isotropic
John Ray (1827-1705): natural history, classification of
plants and animals.
John Rayleigh (1842-1919): dimensional analysis, model
Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866): non-Euclidean geometry.
Sir James Simpson (1811-1870): chloroform, gynecology.
Sir George Stokes (1819-1903): fluid mechanics


Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-10-29


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