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Nice Symposium (1972) Evolutionists agree Darwin was wrong!

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Nice Symposium (1972) Evolutionists agree Darwin was wrong!  Empty Nice Symposium (1972) Evolutionists agree Darwin was wrong!

Post  Admin Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:15 pm

Nice Symposium (1972). By the early 1970s, not only
were biological evolutionists in turmoil, but cosmologists
(astronomical evolutionists) were also. The Nice Symposium
met in April 1972, to summarize what had been
accomplished and list what was still unknown. The unanswered
questions included just about every aspect
of evolution in outer space! (See “Nice” in the back
index for a number of the questions.) How did hydrogen
clouds form themselves into stars? How did linear momentum
from the theorized Big Bang change itself into
angular momentum—and begin circling. How did the planets
and moons form? The entire list is mind-boggling. After
all these years, the astronomers still do not have answers
to any of the basic evolutionary problems (Review
of the Nice Symposium, in R.E. Kofahl and K.L.
Segraves, The Creation Explanation, pp. 141-143).

Institute for Creation Research (1972). Henry Morris
and associates founded the Institute for Creation Research
(ICR) this year. It has since become the leading
anti-evolution organization in the world and is located
in El Cajon, California.
Return of the Hopeful Monster (1972). *Stephen Jay
Gould, a highly respected paleontologist at Harvard; *Niles
Eldredge, the head paleontologist at the American Museum
of Natural History in New York City; and *Steven
M. Stanley, of Johns Hopkins University, led out in resuscitating
*Richard Goldschmidt’s “hopeful monster”
theory—and demanding that the community of evolutionary
scientists consider it as the only possible mechanism
for trans-species changeovers.

It was first revived in a cautious science paper presented
by *Gould and *Eldredge in 1972 (Punctuated
Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic Gradualism, 1972),
but it was not until 1977 that an article by Gould brought
it back to center stage (“Return of the Hopeful Monsters,”
in Natural History, June-July, 1977). The increasing despondency
among evolutionists, over their inability to use
natural selection or mutations to provide even the slightest
evidence of cross-species evolution, eventually led large
numbers of scientists, in the 1980s, to switch over to this
astoundingly ridiculous concept that millions of beneficial
mutations occur once every 50,000 years to two
creatures, a male and female, who are living near each
other—thus producing a new species pair!

Poll of Citizens and Parents (1973). A survey of 1346
homes found that 89% said creation should be taught in
the public schools. In a separate poll of 1995 homes, 84%
said scientific evidence for creation should be presented
along with evolution (“A Comparison of Students Study-
Brief History of Evolutionary Theory 57
ing . . Two Models,” in Decade of Creation, 1981, pp.
Dudley’s Radiodating Research (1975). Radiodating
of the sedimentary rocks, based on uranium, thorium,
and other chains, had been relied on heavily to provide
the “millions of years” dates. But a broad variety
of research data repeatedly demonstrated that these methods
are extremely unreliable (much more on this in chapter
6, Inaccurate Dating Methods). *H.C. Dudley, one of
these researchers, found that using pressure, temperature,
electric and magnetic fields, stress in monomolecular
layers, etc., he could change the decay rates
of 14 different radioisotopes.

The implications of this are astounding. The strata were laid down under great
pressure, and samples would vary widely to temperature
and other changes. Such discoveries, along with the fact
that the dates never agree with one another, greatly reduce
the value of radiodating uranium, thorium, and other rocks
(*H.C. Dudley, “Radioactivity Re-Examined,” in Chemical
and Engineering News, April 7, 1975, p. 2).
*Leakey’s Footprints (1977). Throughout the 20th
century, human footprints have been found in supposedly
ancient rock, sometimes with dinosaur prints. We
will mention only a couple examples in this chapter (see
chapter 13, Ancient Man, for more). In approximately 1977,
*Mary Leaky found at Laetoli in Africa, 30 miles [48
km] south of Olduvai Gorge, human footprints which,
by the strata they are on, evolutionists date at nearly 4
million years in the past. Yet they are identical to modern
human footprints. These and other footprints disprove
evolutionary theories, especially those in which dinosaur
prints are found with human footprints. Dinosaurs are said
to be dated from 65 million to 135 million years ago;
whereas man is said to have appeared far more recently
(National Geographic, April 1979; Science News, February
9, 1980).


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Join date : 2012-10-29


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